What Happens When Gum Disease Isn’t Treated?

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Millions of adult Americans develop and suffer from gum disease each year. While the gum disease risk factors are numerous, the contributor to the condition is having an inconsistent or ineffective dental care routine, especially if you don’t visit your dentist’s office regularly. Any plaque or food particles that remain on your teeth or gums could convert into tartar, a substance that is rich in bacteria and often leads to gum disease. We encourage you to be aware of the facts on gum disease to help you preserve your healthy smile.

Gingivitis is the first sign of gum disease, with symptoms that include persistent bad breath and red, inflamed gums that bleed whenever you brush or floss. Your dentist can help you reverse gingivitis by increasing the efficacy of your oral hygiene routine and performing dental exams and cleanings at least every six months. It’s important that you thoroughly brush your teeth twice each day and floss between each tooth and above your gum line.

Eventually, gingivitis will progress to become periodontitis, the worst stage of gum disease, which causes gum recession. As the inflamed gums pull away from the teeth, they can form infected pockets around your tooth roots that weaken and destroy the jawbone where it anchors to your teeth. Treatments for periodontitis can range from the use of prescription antibiotics to a surgical procedure that treats the gums and bone structure.

We encourage you to schedule a consultation with our doctor, Dr. Brandon Burger, as soon as possible if you suspect you may be suffering from a form of gum disease in Hermitage, Tennessee. Call 615-889-8202 today to speak with our friendly team at Brandon Burger, DDS.