How To Cope With Dental Anxiety

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A past negative experience at the dentist oftentimes creates dental anxiety, which can make your next appointments scary. However, our team is dedicated to you having the best dental experience at Brandon Burger, DDS, and we are happy to help you make that happen. Here are some recommendations to make it easier.

First, find out more about the details about your procedure or the cleaning process. Our dental team will be happy to explain your treatment so you can understand exactly what to expect. Additionally, it may be a good idea to fill out any new-patient forms before you arrive at our office. This can help you relieve some stress.

Bring a comfort object to the appointment. It can be as discreet as special music on your phone, or something more cuddly like a blanket or a pillow. Feel free to listen to your music or podcast; focusing more on the words than on the treatment can be helpful. Many dental offices also have TVs available for use during procedures or cleanings; go ahead and watch that “guilty pleasure” show!

Finally, talk to our team about getting a dental sedative during your appointment. Dental sedation can help you feel relaxed and comfortable. It can soothe anxiety and wash away worries. Speak with Dr. Brandon Burger to see if sedation dentistry is right for you.

For more information, contact Brandon Burger, DDS in Hermitage, Tennessee, at 615-889-8202. Sedation dentistry could be a great option for you. Our dental team will be happy to talk with you!